How dare you say crumbs!

entry 4 how dare you say crumbs.jpg

Fuck it!

but never say crumbs …

Where did the last month go? I had many enquiries for gut directed hypnosis due to COVID-19. People overeating whilst in lockdown and isolation.

This reminded me of a woman I had met in Port Arlington many years ago. I decided to send her daughter a message and ask If I could share her story in my blog. She was thrilled that her mother’s memories were still vivid with me and said "tell everyone! not say crumbs!" hehehehehehe!

Here is the tale of Vivian Eastwood. A beautiful soul I met in Port Arlington, Victoria back in 2010.

Vivian was 90 yrs old when I met her at the local bowls club. She was an avid poker player and had a mouth on her that would make anyone blush!

F words were nothing for Vivian (especially if you beat her in an hand at poker) The best thing I loved about her swearing was she did it in such a way that would make you laugh.

I was just learning to become a hypnotherapist back then and I found her to be a fascinating person to listen to. As she not only insulted you, but also managed to make you fall in love with her.

One day I beat her in a hand at poker and she said "fuck it and crumbs" as always the table laughed and smiled ... but this time something was different. I looked at Vivian and her eyes were so sad. 

 We went on break at poker and I found Vivian smoking out the back.
She was smoking wildly and fast (she was a heavy smoker but something was different this day). I watched her as each time she dragged in the cigarette it was like she was wanting to choke on it as long as she could.

I sat next to Vivian and I said "What’s up chick? Somethings not right with you today!"

Vivian looked at me and she said with sad eyes "My father would be turning over in his grave if he heard what I said today!"     

I was confused. I asked her "remind me what you said that would've upset your father"

She said "I swore the most insulting word of my life. My father would be so upset at me! I can see him shaking his finger at me now"

I smiled at Vivian and responded "Vivian honey. You always say Fuck!"

Vivian spun around and looked at me in shock "Not fuck you silly child! I said crumbs!" as she said this she put her face in her hand and began to sob softly.

Vivian went on to tell me how back when she was a child it was highly offensive in her family to say the word   "crumbs" and if her or her sisters said it they would be sent to bed without any supper! Vivian was a "very naughty girl" in her father’s eyes and would regularly test her father by saying crumbs.

I realised from this story that the guilt she was holding onto from breaking her father’s respect could flood her with emotions with this one word ... "crumbs".

After she told me her story I looked her in the eyes and said "I've heard more offensive words then crumbs"

She said " Like what?" totally intrigued in my answer

"I've heard people say the word biscuit!" We laughed and laughed. In that one moment the guilt was broken for Vivian and her Inner Child set her free. 

Rest In Peace Viv

Your stories still live in me and will now be told to others.

"When there’s crumbs on your plate, smile that you enjoyed the biscuit" xox

(Permission has been granted by all participants to share this story)


Trish Palmer and John Pellen.

Forbidden Priests