FREE ChatAi Certification
If your not using ChatAi then you will be left behind - This fast paced technology is the way of the future.
But how do I get started? Is it that hard?
3 easy steps is all it takes! and it’s FREE!
NOTE - Watch the video on your pc or laptop
Step 1 Watch the video below
(seriously it’s less time to watch than to make a sandwich)
- Step 2 Download the PDf - Step 3 Get your Certificate!

Step 1 - Watch the video
Step 2 - Download the PDF
Step 3 - Get your Certificate
It’s easy! - Share on Facebook group Specialty Hypnosis Training with Pellen and Palmer with the button below - Remember to tag me @TrishPellen and we will email you a certificate with your name on it!!
Have a play with our AI and take a look at the certificate below
This is to certify that has successfully completed the FREE ChatAi Certification from Pellen and Palmer.
Enter your name:
Specific Prompts
Remember that Chat.AI is learning and upgrading fast
- These prompts will get you started with inspiration and it is only YOU that can expand out on the creativity. ENJOY!
Click Here >>>
“Write a relaxing hypnosis script to alleviate stress”
“Teach me how to use neuro linguistic programming to become a better communicator when it comes to telling people that I am a hypnotherapist by trade”
“What is a confusion technique to make the brain think?”
“Create a list of potential blog post ideas for/about (insert your niche/topic)”
“Write a blog with a minimum of 5,000 words about the benefits of (insert topic) - Blog it our in a Q and A format”
“Generate a script for social media about (insert topic)”
”Create a 12 month social media plan that varies from images to video posts with full descriptions on each post about (insert topic)”
”Create a list of potential influencers to collaborate with for social media campaigns” - after the list is created remember to tag the influencer
REMEMBER - you can also tell it to add emojis -
“Create a list of topics for a newsletter”
”Write a persuasive email to increase attendance to our upcoming event”
“Write an apology email to a customer for the mistake/delay”
“Generate an email to send to potential clients about our products and how they can enhance the quality of their life - the product is ___”
“Create a list of topics for a newsletter”
”Write a persuasive email to increase attendance to our upcoming event”
“Write an apology email to a customer for the mistake/delay”
“Generate an email to send to potential clients about our products and how they can enhance the quality of their life - the product is ___”
Prompts For Work/Life Balance
“Generate a daily study schedule that includes specific times and activities planned in a graph format” - remember to put in the days and times of your ongoing schedule requirements
“Teach me how to ______”
“Pretend you are a story teller and tell me a story about how someone can get over feeling worried””
”Generate 100 mindful quotes” - these can be used for social media posts”
“Create a list of 10 things I can do for free that will assist me with alleviating stress”
“Create a squarespace code for a share to Facebook button”
”Create a code that has a count down time to an event and then starts flashing from red to white in the last 60 minutes”
“Create CSS to use in Unreal Engine 5 that will enhance the luts on folage_pak5” -the name of the static mesh is example only
“Generate song lyrics about chasing your dreams in a happy tone”
“Write a short story about the power of friendship and how it can last the test of time”
“Write a script for a music video (or play) that goes for 10 minutes about how a young person can overcome poverty and become all they dreamed to be.
“Write a 500 word description about my course on (insert topic)”
“Write a description about my training that has a hook in the title to encourage people to read more”
“List 10 facts about (insert topic) with full description” - from here research the facts
“I have eggs, chicken and cream in the fridge. Write me a recipe for dinner with these ingredients”
“Teach me how to crochet”
“Create a sewing pattern in centimeters for a T-Shirt that has a bust of 179cm, arms of 57cm and a waist of 98cm”
“I want you to act as an interviewer for a job. I will be the job applicant and you will ask me the interview questions for the position of (insert position). I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conservation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. My first sentence is “Hi””
“I want you to act as a travel agent an write out a full itinerary for me about my trip to (insert location) with these events occurring on these dates”
“I want you to act as my legal representation …”