Create Your Own Hypnosis Protocol

Is the industry you are passionate about lacking something? OR Perhaps it is time for the industry to level up into something new?
By creating your own hypnosis protocol you can become a specialist in the industry. Helping practitioners learn specific techniques and modalities for niche problems.
Your ideas on how to help people with hypnosis can radiate and shine once you know how to construct and sell your protocol.
You can then run group sessions, online sessions, retreats and more!

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What are people saying about the training?


Easy to Follow Modules include:

  • How to create a protocol overlay that is easy to learn and teach

  • Testing and tweaking your work

  • Full colour PDF’s and templates to download

  • How to find your niche and topic

  • The issues within your niche that need solutions

  • How to construct a protocol

  • Sourcing and mastering techniques

  • Sell and market your teachings



Study with Confidence

John Pellen and Trish Palmer have been international speakers and leaders in the industry since 2016.
In 2016 Trish was asked to be a mentor. Her response was “What would I teach?” and that is when the Modern Mentoring was born.
With thousands of students from all over the world Trish and John dedicated themselves to bring there students up to date content that evolves with the times and technology.

 Our Trained Therapists